Banda Neira's Mini Palace, which was former VOC ( Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie) governor's office, will be renovated and turned it into a presidential palace, according to the Maluku tourism office.
The Maluku Provincial Government wanted to turn the cultural heritage into a presidential palace in eastern Indonesia, like the Bogor Palace, Head of the Maluku Tourism Office Marcus J Pattinama said here on Sunday.
"Currently, a DED (Design Engineering Detail) is being prepared to designate the Mini Palace in Banda to be a presidential palace of the Republic of Indonesia or a state palace," he remarked.
Based on data from the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Mini Palace Complex is a cultural heritage, a remnant of the Dutch colonial era when VOC had monopolized spice trading in Maluku.
The Mini Palace was office of Dutch colonial governor in Banda Naira before the office was moved to Batavia (Jakarta).
Maluku Governor Murad Ismail sent a letter regarding the matter to President Joko Widodo in 2020 and received the President's approval to renovate and turn the Banda Mini Palace into a Presidential Palace.
The renovation of the Banda Mini Palace is one of the priority tourism development programs for 2022, as decided during the Maluku tourism development coordination meeting held in Saumlaki, February 25-26 2022.
The restoration will be conducted by maintaining the element of authenticity.
Marcus Pattinama said that the tourism industry in Banda would provide benefits to other tourism destinations in Maluku.
The DED preparation process is being carried out by the Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Service of Maluku and is expected to be completed in March 2022.
The detailed design will later be presented to the Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investment for possible funding of the renovation works.
Artikel aslinya:
Baca juga: Maluku Restorasi Istana Mini di Banda sebagai istana kepresidenan, begini penjelasannya
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Ambon, Maluku 2022
The Maluku Provincial Government wanted to turn the cultural heritage into a presidential palace in eastern Indonesia, like the Bogor Palace, Head of the Maluku Tourism Office Marcus J Pattinama said here on Sunday.
"Currently, a DED (Design Engineering Detail) is being prepared to designate the Mini Palace in Banda to be a presidential palace of the Republic of Indonesia or a state palace," he remarked.
Based on data from the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Mini Palace Complex is a cultural heritage, a remnant of the Dutch colonial era when VOC had monopolized spice trading in Maluku.
The Mini Palace was office of Dutch colonial governor in Banda Naira before the office was moved to Batavia (Jakarta).
Maluku Governor Murad Ismail sent a letter regarding the matter to President Joko Widodo in 2020 and received the President's approval to renovate and turn the Banda Mini Palace into a Presidential Palace.
The renovation of the Banda Mini Palace is one of the priority tourism development programs for 2022, as decided during the Maluku tourism development coordination meeting held in Saumlaki, February 25-26 2022.
The restoration will be conducted by maintaining the element of authenticity.
Marcus Pattinama said that the tourism industry in Banda would provide benefits to other tourism destinations in Maluku.
The DED preparation process is being carried out by the Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Service of Maluku and is expected to be completed in March 2022.
The detailed design will later be presented to the Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investment for possible funding of the renovation works.
Artikel aslinya:
Baca juga: Maluku Restorasi Istana Mini di Banda sebagai istana kepresidenan, begini penjelasannya
Editor : Febrianto Budi Anggoro
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Ambon, Maluku 2022