Ternate (Antara Maluku) - Indonesia`s Chief Security Minister Tedjo Edhy Purdijatno said on Saturday that the government needs to prioritize the security of the eastern portion of North Maluku province`s waters because it shares borders with other countries.
"All regions that share a border with other countries, such as North Maluku, should be given more security to prevent illegal fishing by foreign fishermen," he said.
In view of this, the government plans to ramp up its fleet to secure the waters in the region and those that border other countries, as well as maximize the role of the navy and the marine police.
He said most of North Maluku`s waters are territorial waters and so the government should also decide which ships need to be stationed there and the locations that are vulnerable to the entry of foreign ships carrying poachers.
The Minister also said he is optimistic about the support rendered by the strong naval fleet and personnel currently stationed in the North Maluku waters.
During a lecture delivered at the local Muhammadiyah University earlier, he had called for support from all parties concerned to help secure the territorial waters of North Maluku.